pub fn get_update_fulfill_htlc_and_commit<L: Deref>(&mut self, htlc_id: u64, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage, logger: &L) -> UpdateFulfillCommitFetch where L::Target: Logger {
- let release_cs_monitor = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter().all(|upd| !upd.blocked);
+ let release_cs_monitor = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.is_empty();
match self.get_update_fulfill_htlc(htlc_id, payment_preimage, logger) {
UpdateFulfillFetch::NewClaim { mut monitor_update, htlc_value_msat, msg } => {
// Even if we aren't supposed to let new monitor updates with commitment state
// matter what. Sadly, to push a new monitor update which flies before others
// already queued, we have to insert it into the pending queue and update the
// update_ids of all the following monitors.
- let unblocked_update_pos = if release_cs_monitor && msg.is_some() {
+ if release_cs_monitor && msg.is_some() {
let mut additional_update = self.build_commitment_no_status_check(logger);
// build_commitment_no_status_check may bump latest_monitor_id but we want them
// to be strictly increasing by one, so decrement it here.
self.context.latest_monitor_update_id = monitor_update.update_id;
monitor_update.updates.append(&mut additional_update.updates);
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.push(PendingChannelMonitorUpdate {
- update: monitor_update, blocked: false,
- });
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.len() - 1
} else {
- let insert_pos = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter().position(|upd| upd.blocked)
- .unwrap_or(self.context.pending_monitor_updates.len());
- let new_mon_id = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.get(insert_pos)
+ let new_mon_id = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.get(0)
.map(|upd| upd.update.update_id).unwrap_or(monitor_update.update_id);
monitor_update.update_id = new_mon_id;
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.insert(insert_pos, PendingChannelMonitorUpdate {
- update: monitor_update, blocked: false,
- });
- for held_update in self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter_mut().skip(insert_pos + 1) {
+ for held_update in self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter_mut() {
held_update.update.update_id += 1;
if msg.is_some() {
update, blocked: true,
- insert_pos
- };
- self.monitor_updating_paused(false, msg.is_some(), false, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new());
- UpdateFulfillCommitFetch::NewClaim {
- monitor_update: self.context.pending_monitor_updates.get(unblocked_update_pos)
- .expect("We just pushed the monitor update").update.clone(),
- htlc_value_msat,
+ self.monitor_updating_paused(false, msg.is_some(), false, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new());
+ UpdateFulfillCommitFetch::NewClaim { monitor_update, htlc_value_msat, }
UpdateFulfillFetch::DuplicateClaim {} => UpdateFulfillCommitFetch::DuplicateClaim {},
match self.free_holding_cell_htlcs(logger) {
- (Some(_), htlcs_to_fail) => {
- let mut additional_update = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.pop().unwrap().update;
+ (Some(mut additional_update), htlcs_to_fail) => {
// free_holding_cell_htlcs may bump latest_monitor_id multiple times but we want them to be
// strictly increasing by one, so decrement it here.
self.context.latest_monitor_update_id = monitor_update.update_id;
assert_eq!(self.context.channel_state & ChannelState::MonitorUpdateInProgress as u32, ChannelState::MonitorUpdateInProgress as u32);
self.context.channel_state &= !(ChannelState::MonitorUpdateInProgress as u32);
- let mut found_blocked = false;
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.retain(|upd| {
- if found_blocked { debug_assert!(upd.blocked, "No mons may be unblocked after a blocked one"); }
- if upd.blocked { found_blocked = true; }
- upd.blocked
- });
+ for upd in self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter() {
+ debug_assert!(upd.blocked);
+ }
// If we're past (or at) the FundingSent stage on an outbound channel, try to
// (re-)broadcast the funding transaction as we may have declined to broadcast it when we
/// Returns the next blocked monitor update, if one exists, and a bool which indicates a
/// further blocked monitor update exists after the next.
pub fn unblock_next_blocked_monitor_update(&mut self) -> Option<(ChannelMonitorUpdate, bool)> {
- for i in 0..self.context.pending_monitor_updates.len() {
- if self.context.pending_monitor_updates[i].blocked {
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates[i].blocked = false;
- return Some((self.context.pending_monitor_updates[i].update.clone(),
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.len() > i + 1));
- }
+ for upd in self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter() {
+ debug_assert!(upd.blocked);
- None
+ if self.context.pending_monitor_updates.is_empty() { return None; }
+ Some((self.context.pending_monitor_updates.remove(0).update,
+ !self.context.pending_monitor_updates.is_empty()))
/// Pushes a new monitor update into our monitor update queue, returning it if it should be
/// immediately given to the user for persisting or `None` if it should be held as blocked.
fn push_ret_blockable_mon_update(&mut self, update: ChannelMonitorUpdate)
-> Option<ChannelMonitorUpdate> {
- let release_monitor = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter().all(|upd| !upd.blocked);
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.push(PendingChannelMonitorUpdate {
- update, blocked: !release_monitor,
- });
- if release_monitor { self.context.pending_monitor_updates.last().map(|upd| upd.update.clone()) } else { None }
- }
- pub fn no_monitor_updates_pending(&self) -> bool {
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.is_empty()
- }
- pub fn complete_all_mon_updates_through(&mut self, update_id: u64) {
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.retain(|upd| {
- if upd.update.update_id <= update_id {
- assert!(!upd.blocked, "Completed update must have flown");
- false
- } else { true }
- });
- }
- pub fn complete_one_mon_update(&mut self, update_id: u64) {
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.retain(|upd| upd.update.update_id != update_id);
+ let release_monitor = self.context.pending_monitor_updates.is_empty();
+ if !release_monitor {
+ self.context.pending_monitor_updates.push(PendingChannelMonitorUpdate {
+ update, blocked: true,
+ });
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(update)
+ }
- /// Returns an iterator over all unblocked monitor updates which have not yet completed.
- pub fn uncompleted_unblocked_mon_updates(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&ChannelMonitorUpdate> {
- self.context.pending_monitor_updates.iter()
- .filter_map(|upd| if upd.blocked { None } else { Some(&upd.update) })
+ pub fn blocked_monitor_updates_pending(&self) -> usize {
+ self.context.pending_monitor_updates.len()
/// Returns true if the channel is awaiting the persistence of the initial ChannelMonitor.
/// Messages to send to the peer - pushed to in the same lock that they are generated in (except
/// for broadcast messages, where ordering isn't as strict).
pub(super) pending_msg_events: Vec<MessageSendEvent>,
+ /// Map from Channel IDs to pending [`ChannelMonitorUpdate`]s which have been passed to the
+ /// user but which have not yet completed.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the channel may no longer exist. For example if the channel was closed but we
+ /// later needed to claim an HTLC which is pending on-chain, we may generate a monitor update
+ /// for a missing channel.
+ in_flight_monitor_updates: BTreeMap<OutPoint, Vec<ChannelMonitorUpdate>>,
/// Map from a specific channel to some action(s) that should be taken when all pending
/// [`ChannelMonitorUpdate`]s for the channel complete updating.
return false
self.channel_by_id.is_empty() && self.monitor_update_blocked_actions.is_empty()
+ && self.in_flight_monitor_updates.is_empty()
// Returns a count of all channels we have with this peer, including pending channels.
macro_rules! handle_new_monitor_update {
- ($self: ident, $update_res: expr, $update_id: expr, $peer_state_lock: expr, $peer_state: expr, $per_peer_state_lock: expr, $chan: expr, MANUALLY_REMOVING_INITIAL_MONITOR, $remove: expr) => { {
+ ($self: ident, $update_res: expr, $peer_state_lock: expr, $peer_state: expr, $per_peer_state_lock: expr, $chan: expr, _internal, $remove: expr, $completed: expr) => { {
// update_maps_on_chan_removal needs to be able to take id_to_peer, so make sure we can in
// any case so that it won't deadlock.
debug_assert_ne!($self.id_to_peer.held_by_thread(), LockHeldState::HeldByThread);
ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::Completed => {
- $chan.complete_one_mon_update($update_id);
- if $chan.no_monitor_updates_pending() {
- handle_monitor_update_completion!($self, $update_id, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state, $per_peer_state_lock, $chan);
- }
+ $completed;
} };
+ ($self: ident, $update_res: expr, $update_id: expr, $peer_state_lock: expr, $peer_state: expr, $per_peer_state_lock: expr, $chan: expr, MANUALLY_REMOVING_INITIAL_MONITOR, $remove: expr) => {
+ handle_new_monitor_update!($self, $update_res, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state,
+ $per_peer_state_lock, $chan, _internal, $remove,
+ handle_monitor_update_completion!($self, $update_id, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state, $per_peer_state_lock, $chan))
+ };
($self: ident, $update_res: expr, $update_id: expr, $peer_state_lock: expr, $peer_state: expr, $per_peer_state_lock: expr, $chan_entry: expr, INITIAL_MONITOR) => {
handle_new_monitor_update!($self, $update_res, $update_id, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state, $per_peer_state_lock, $chan_entry.get_mut(), MANUALLY_REMOVING_INITIAL_MONITOR, $chan_entry.remove_entry())
($self: ident, $funding_txo: expr, $update: expr, $peer_state_lock: expr, $peer_state: expr, $per_peer_state_lock: expr, $chan: expr, MANUALLY_REMOVING, $remove: expr) => { {
- let update_res = $self.chain_monitor.update_channel($funding_txo, &$update);
- handle_new_monitor_update!($self, update_res, $update.update_id, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state, $per_peer_state_lock, $chan, MANUALLY_REMOVING_INITIAL_MONITOR, $remove)
+ let update_id = $update.update_id;
+ let in_flight_updates = $peer_state.in_flight_monitor_updates.entry($funding_txo)
+ .or_insert_with(Vec::new);
+ // During startup, we push monitor updates as background events through to here in
+ // order to replay updates that were in-flight when we shut down. Thus, we have to
+ // filter for uniqueness here.
+ let idx = in_flight_updates.iter().position(|upd| upd == &$update)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ in_flight_updates.push($update);
+ in_flight_updates.len() - 1
+ });
+ let update_res = $self.chain_monitor.update_channel($funding_txo, &in_flight_updates[idx]);
+ handle_new_monitor_update!($self, update_res, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state,
+ $per_peer_state_lock, $chan, _internal, $remove,
+ {
+ let _ = in_flight_updates.remove(idx);
+ if in_flight_updates.is_empty() && $chan.blocked_monitor_updates_pending() == 0 {
+ handle_monitor_update_completion!($self, update_id, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state, $per_peer_state_lock, $chan);
+ }
+ })
} };
($self: ident, $funding_txo: expr, $update: expr, $peer_state_lock: expr, $peer_state: expr, $per_peer_state_lock: expr, $chan_entry: expr) => {
handle_new_monitor_update!($self, $funding_txo, $update, $peer_state_lock, $peer_state, $per_peer_state_lock, $chan_entry.get_mut(), MANUALLY_REMOVING, $chan_entry.remove_entry())
match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(funding_txo.to_channel_id()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut chan) => {
updated_chan = true;
- handle_new_monitor_update!(self, funding_txo, update,
+ handle_new_monitor_update!(self, funding_txo, update.clone(),
peer_state_lock, peer_state, per_peer_state, chan).map(|_| ())
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => Ok(()),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => return,
- log_trace!(self.logger, "ChannelMonitor updated to {}. Current highest is {}",
- highest_applied_update_id, channel.get().context.get_latest_monitor_update_id());
+ let remaining_in_flight =
+ if let Some(pending) = peer_state.in_flight_monitor_updates.get_mut(funding_txo) {
+ pending.retain(|upd| upd.update_id > highest_applied_update_id);
+ pending.len()
+ } else { 0 };
+ log_trace!(self.logger, "ChannelMonitor updated to {}. Current highest is {}. {} pending in-flight updates.",
+ highest_applied_update_id, channel.get().context.get_latest_monitor_update_id(),
+ remaining_in_flight);
if !channel.get().is_awaiting_monitor_update() || channel.get().context.get_latest_monitor_update_id() != highest_applied_update_id {
inbound_v1_channel_by_id: HashMap::new(),
latest_features: init_msg.features.clone(),
pending_msg_events: Vec::new(),
+ in_flight_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
monitor_update_blocked_actions: BTreeMap::new(),
actions_blocking_raa_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
is_connected: true,
pending_claiming_payments = None;
+ let mut in_flight_monitor_updates: Option<HashMap<(&PublicKey, &OutPoint), &Vec<ChannelMonitorUpdate>>> = None;
+ for ((counterparty_id, _), peer_state) in per_peer_state.iter().zip(peer_states.iter()) {
+ for (funding_outpoint, updates) in peer_state.in_flight_monitor_updates.iter() {
+ if !updates.is_empty() {
+ if in_flight_monitor_updates.is_none() { in_flight_monitor_updates = Some(HashMap::new()); }
+ in_flight_monitor_updates.as_mut().unwrap().insert((counterparty_id, funding_outpoint), updates);
+ }
+ }
+ }
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(1, pending_outbound_payments_no_retry, required),
(2, pending_intercepted_htlcs, option),
(7, self.fake_scid_rand_bytes, required),
(8, if events_not_backwards_compatible { Some(&*events) } else { None }, option),
(9, htlc_purposes, vec_type),
+ (10, in_flight_monitor_updates, option),
(11, self.probing_cookie_secret, required),
(13, htlc_onion_fields, optional_vec),
let mut id_to_peer = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
let mut short_to_chan_info = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
let mut channel_closures = VecDeque::new();
- let mut pending_background_events = Vec::new();
+ let mut close_background_events = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..channel_count {
let mut channel: Channel<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer> = Channel::read(reader, (
&args.entropy_source, &args.signer_provider, best_block_height, &provided_channel_type_features(&args.default_config)
let funding_txo = channel.context.get_funding_txo().ok_or(DecodeError::InvalidValue)?;
if let Some(ref mut monitor) = args.channel_monitors.get_mut(&funding_txo) {
- if channel.get_latest_complete_monitor_update_id() > monitor.get_latest_update_id() {
- // If the channel is ahead of the monitor, return InvalidValue:
- log_error!(args.logger, "A ChannelMonitor is stale compared to the current ChannelManager! This indicates a potentially-critical violation of the chain::Watch API!");
- log_error!(args.logger, " The ChannelMonitor for channel {} is at update_id {} but the ChannelManager is at update_id {}.",
- log_bytes!(channel.context.channel_id()), monitor.get_latest_update_id(), channel.get_latest_complete_monitor_update_id());
- log_error!(args.logger, " The chain::Watch API *requires* that monitors are persisted durably before returning,");
- log_error!(args.logger, " client applications must ensure that ChannelMonitor data is always available and the latest to avoid funds loss!");
- log_error!(args.logger, " Without the latest ChannelMonitor we cannot continue without risking funds.");
- log_error!(args.logger, " Please ensure the chain::Watch API requirements are met and file a bug report at https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning");
- return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
- } else if channel.get_cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number() > monitor.get_cur_holder_commitment_number() ||
+ if channel.get_cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number() > monitor.get_cur_holder_commitment_number() ||
channel.get_revoked_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number() > monitor.get_min_seen_secret() ||
channel.get_cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number() > monitor.get_cur_counterparty_commitment_number() ||
channel.context.get_latest_monitor_update_id() < monitor.get_latest_update_id() {
log_bytes!(channel.context.channel_id()), monitor.get_latest_update_id(), channel.context.get_latest_monitor_update_id());
let (monitor_update, mut new_failed_htlcs) = channel.context.force_shutdown(true);
if let Some((counterparty_node_id, funding_txo, update)) = monitor_update {
- pending_background_events.push(BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup {
+ close_background_events.push(BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup {
counterparty_node_id, funding_txo, update
log_info!(args.logger, "Successfully loaded channel {} at update_id {} against monitor at update id {}",
log_bytes!(channel.context.channel_id()), channel.context.get_latest_monitor_update_id(),
- channel.complete_all_mon_updates_through(monitor.get_latest_update_id());
if let Some(short_channel_id) = channel.context.get_short_channel_id() {
short_to_chan_info.insert(short_channel_id, (channel.context.get_counterparty_node_id(), channel.context.channel_id()));
updates: vec![ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::ChannelForceClosed { should_broadcast: true }],
- pending_background_events.push(BackgroundEvent::ClosingMonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup((*funding_txo, monitor_update)));
+ close_background_events.push(BackgroundEvent::ClosingMonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup((*funding_txo, monitor_update)));
claimable_htlcs_list.push((payment_hash, previous_hops));
- let peer_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
- let mut per_peer_state = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(peer_count as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/mem::size_of::<(PublicKey, Mutex<PeerState<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>>)>()));
- for _ in 0..peer_count {
- let peer_pubkey = Readable::read(reader)?;
- let peer_state = PeerState {
- channel_by_id: peer_channels.remove(&peer_pubkey).unwrap_or(HashMap::new()),
+ let peer_state_from_chans = |channel_by_id| {
+ PeerState {
+ channel_by_id,
outbound_v1_channel_by_id: HashMap::new(),
inbound_v1_channel_by_id: HashMap::new(),
- latest_features: Readable::read(reader)?,
+ latest_features: InitFeatures::empty(),
pending_msg_events: Vec::new(),
+ in_flight_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
monitor_update_blocked_actions: BTreeMap::new(),
actions_blocking_raa_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
is_connected: false,
- };
+ }
+ };
+ let peer_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
+ let mut per_peer_state = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(peer_count as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/mem::size_of::<(PublicKey, Mutex<PeerState<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>>)>()));
+ for _ in 0..peer_count {
+ let peer_pubkey = Readable::read(reader)?;
+ let peer_chans = peer_channels.remove(&peer_pubkey).unwrap_or(HashMap::new());
+ let mut peer_state = peer_state_from_chans(peer_chans);
+ peer_state.latest_features = Readable::read(reader)?;
per_peer_state.insert(peer_pubkey, Mutex::new(peer_state));
- for (node_id, peer_mtx) in per_peer_state.iter() {
- let peer_state = peer_mtx.lock().unwrap();
- for (_, chan) in peer_state.channel_by_id.iter() {
- for update in chan.uncompleted_unblocked_mon_updates() {
- if let Some(funding_txo) = chan.context.get_funding_txo() {
- log_trace!(args.logger, "Replaying ChannelMonitorUpdate {} for channel {}",
- update.update_id, log_bytes!(funding_txo.to_channel_id()));
- pending_background_events.push(
- BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup {
- counterparty_node_id: *node_id, funding_txo, update: update.clone(),
- });
- } else {
- return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
- }
- }
- }
- }
let _last_node_announcement_serial: u32 = Readable::read(reader)?; // Only used < 0.0.111
let highest_seen_timestamp: u32 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut pending_claiming_payments = Some(HashMap::new());
let mut monitor_update_blocked_actions_per_peer: Option<Vec<(_, BTreeMap<_, Vec<_>>)>> = Some(Vec::new());
let mut events_override = None;
+ let mut in_flight_monitor_updates: Option<HashMap<(PublicKey, OutPoint), Vec<ChannelMonitorUpdate>>> = None;
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(1, pending_outbound_payments_no_retry, option),
(2, pending_intercepted_htlcs, option),
(7, fake_scid_rand_bytes, option),
(8, events_override, option),
(9, claimable_htlc_purposes, vec_type),
+ (10, in_flight_monitor_updates, option),
(11, probing_cookie_secret, option),
(13, claimable_htlc_onion_fields, optional_vec),
retry_lock: Mutex::new(())
+ // We have to replay (or skip, if they were completed after we wrote the `ChannelManager`)
+ // each `ChannelMonitorUpdate` in `in_flight_monitor_updates`. After doing so, we have to
+ // check that each channel we have isn't newer than the latest `ChannelMonitorUpdate`(s) we
+ // replayed, and for each monitor update we have to replay we have to ensure there's a
+ // `ChannelMonitor` for it.
+ //
+ // In order to do so we first walk all of our live channels (so that we can check their
+ // state immediately after doing the update replays, when we have the `update_id`s
+ // available) and then walk any remaining in-flight updates.
+ //
+ // Because the actual handling of the in-flight updates is the same, it's macro'ized here:
+ let mut pending_background_events = Vec::new();
+ macro_rules! handle_in_flight_updates {
+ ($counterparty_node_id: expr, $chan_in_flight_upds: expr, $funding_txo: expr,
+ $monitor: expr, $peer_state: expr, $channel_info_log: expr
+ ) => { {
+ let mut max_in_flight_update_id = 0;
+ $chan_in_flight_upds.retain(|upd| upd.update_id > $monitor.get_latest_update_id());
+ for update in $chan_in_flight_upds.iter() {
+ log_trace!(args.logger, "Replaying ChannelMonitorUpdate {} for {}channel {}",
+ update.update_id, $channel_info_log, log_bytes!($funding_txo.to_channel_id()));
+ max_in_flight_update_id = cmp::max(max_in_flight_update_id, update.update_id);
+ pending_background_events.push(
+ BackgroundEvent::MonitorUpdateRegeneratedOnStartup {
+ counterparty_node_id: $counterparty_node_id,
+ funding_txo: $funding_txo,
+ update: update.clone(),
+ });
+ }
+ if $peer_state.in_flight_monitor_updates.insert($funding_txo, $chan_in_flight_upds).is_some() {
+ log_error!(args.logger, "Duplicate in-flight monitor update set for the same channel!");
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ max_in_flight_update_id
+ } }
+ }
+ for (counterparty_id, peer_state_mtx) in per_peer_state.iter_mut() {
+ let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mtx.lock().unwrap();
+ let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
+ for (_, chan) in peer_state.channel_by_id.iter() {
+ // Channels that were persisted have to be funded, otherwise they should have been
+ // discarded.
+ let funding_txo = chan.context.get_funding_txo().ok_or(DecodeError::InvalidValue)?;
+ let monitor = args.channel_monitors.get(&funding_txo)
+ .expect("We already checked for monitor presence when loading channels");
+ let mut max_in_flight_update_id = monitor.get_latest_update_id();
+ if let Some(in_flight_upds) = &mut in_flight_monitor_updates {
+ if let Some(mut chan_in_flight_upds) = in_flight_upds.remove(&(*counterparty_id, funding_txo)) {
+ max_in_flight_update_id = cmp::max(max_in_flight_update_id,
+ handle_in_flight_updates!(*counterparty_id, chan_in_flight_upds,
+ funding_txo, monitor, peer_state, ""));
+ }
+ }
+ if chan.get_latest_complete_monitor_update_id() > max_in_flight_update_id {
+ // If the channel is ahead of the monitor, return InvalidValue:
+ log_error!(args.logger, "A ChannelMonitor is stale compared to the current ChannelManager! This indicates a potentially-critical violation of the chain::Watch API!");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " The ChannelMonitor for channel {} is at update_id {} with update_id through {} in-flight",
+ log_bytes!(chan.context.channel_id()), monitor.get_latest_update_id(), max_in_flight_update_id);
+ log_error!(args.logger, " but the ChannelManager is at update_id {}.", chan.get_latest_complete_monitor_update_id());
+ log_error!(args.logger, " The chain::Watch API *requires* that monitors are persisted durably before returning,");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " client applications must ensure that ChannelMonitor data is always available and the latest to avoid funds loss!");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " Without the latest ChannelMonitor we cannot continue without risking funds.");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " Please ensure the chain::Watch API requirements are met and file a bug report at https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning");
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(in_flight_upds) = in_flight_monitor_updates {
+ for ((counterparty_id, funding_txo), mut chan_in_flight_updates) in in_flight_upds {
+ if let Some(monitor) = args.channel_monitors.get(&funding_txo) {
+ // Now that we've removed all the in-flight monitor updates for channels that are
+ // still open, we need to replay any monitor updates that are for closed channels,
+ // creating the neccessary peer_state entries as we go.
+ let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.entry(counterparty_id).or_insert_with(|| {
+ Mutex::new(peer_state_from_chans(HashMap::new()))
+ });
+ let mut peer_state = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ handle_in_flight_updates!(counterparty_id, chan_in_flight_updates,
+ funding_txo, monitor, peer_state, "closed ");
+ } else {
+ log_error!(args.logger, "A ChannelMonitor is missing even though we have in-flight updates for it! This indicates a potentially-critical violation of the chain::Watch API!");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " The ChannelMonitor for channel {} is missing.",
+ log_bytes!(funding_txo.to_channel_id()));
+ log_error!(args.logger, " The chain::Watch API *requires* that monitors are persisted durably before returning,");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " client applications must ensure that ChannelMonitor data is always available and the latest to avoid funds loss!");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " Without the latest ChannelMonitor we cannot continue without risking funds.");
+ log_error!(args.logger, " Please ensure the chain::Watch API requirements are met and file a bug report at https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning");
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Note that we have to do the above replays before we push new monitor updates.
+ pending_background_events.append(&mut close_background_events);
// If we're tracking pending payments, ensure we haven't lost any by looking at the
// ChannelMonitor data for any channels for which we do not have authorative state