/// This is required in order for the signer to make sure that releasing a commitment
/// secret won't leave us without a broadcastable holder transaction.
+ /// Policy checks should be implemented in this function, including checking the amount
+ /// sent to us and checking the HTLCs.
fn validate_holder_commitment(&self, holder_tx: &HolderCommitmentTransaction);
/// Gets the holder's channel public keys and basepoints
fn pubkeys(&self) -> &ChannelPublicKeys;
/// Create a signature for a counterparty's commitment transaction and associated HTLC transactions.
/// Note that if signing fails or is rejected, the channel will be force-closed.
+ ///
+ /// Policy checks should be implemented in this function, including checking the amount
+ /// sent to us and checking the HTLCs.
// TODO: Document the things someone using this interface should enforce before signing.
fn sign_counterparty_commitment(&self, commitment_tx: &CommitmentTransaction, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>) -> Result<(Signature, Vec<Signature>), ()>;