-macro_rules! handle_monitor_update_res {
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $chan: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr, $resend_channel_ready: expr, $failed_forwards: expr, $failed_fails: expr, $failed_finalized_fulfills: expr, $chan_id: expr) => {
- match $err {
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::PermanentFailure => {
- log_error!($self.logger, "Closing channel {} due to monitor update ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::PermanentFailure", log_bytes!($chan_id[..]));
- update_maps_on_chan_removal!($self, $chan);
- let res: Result<(), _> = Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown("ChannelMonitor storage failure".to_owned(), *$chan_id, $chan.get_user_id(),
- $chan.force_shutdown(false), $self.get_channel_update_for_broadcast(&$chan).ok() ));
- (res, true)
- },
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::InProgress => {
- log_info!($self.logger, "Disabling channel {} due to monitor update in progress. On restore will send {} and process {} forwards, {} fails, and {} fulfill finalizations",
- log_bytes!($chan_id[..]),
- if $resend_commitment && $resend_raa {
- match $action_type {
- RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst => { "commitment then RAA" },
- RAACommitmentOrder::RevokeAndACKFirst => { "RAA then commitment" },
- }
- } else if $resend_commitment { "commitment" }
- else if $resend_raa { "RAA" }
- else { "nothing" },
- (&$failed_forwards as &Vec<(PendingHTLCInfo, u64)>).len(),
- (&$failed_fails as &Vec<(HTLCSource, PaymentHash, HTLCFailReason)>).len(),
- (&$failed_finalized_fulfills as &Vec<HTLCSource>).len());
- if !$resend_commitment {
- debug_assert!($action_type == RAACommitmentOrder::RevokeAndACKFirst || !$resend_raa);
- }
- if !$resend_raa {
- debug_assert!($action_type == RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst || !$resend_commitment);
- }
- $chan.monitor_updating_paused($resend_raa, $resend_commitment, $resend_channel_ready, $failed_forwards, $failed_fails, $failed_finalized_fulfills);
- (Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_chan_no_close(ChannelError::Ignore("Failed to update ChannelMonitor".to_owned()), *$chan_id)), false)
- },
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::Completed => {
- (Ok(()), false)
- },
- }
- };
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr, $resend_channel_ready: expr, $failed_forwards: expr, $failed_fails: expr, $failed_finalized_fulfills: expr) => { {
- let (res, drop) = handle_monitor_update_res!($self, $err, $entry.get_mut(), $action_type, $resend_raa, $resend_commitment, $resend_channel_ready, $failed_forwards, $failed_fails, $failed_finalized_fulfills, $entry.key());
- if drop {
- $entry.remove_entry();
- }
- res
- } };
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $chan_id: expr, COMMITMENT_UPDATE_ONLY) => { {
- debug_assert!($action_type == RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst);
- handle_monitor_update_res!($self, $err, $entry, $action_type, false, true, false, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new(), $chan_id)
- } };
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $chan_id: expr, NO_UPDATE) => {
- handle_monitor_update_res!($self, $err, $entry, $action_type, false, false, false, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new(), $chan_id)
- };
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_channel_ready: expr, OPTIONALLY_RESEND_FUNDING_LOCKED) => {
- handle_monitor_update_res!($self, $err, $entry, $action_type, false, false, $resend_channel_ready, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new())
- };
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr) => {
- handle_monitor_update_res!($self, $err, $entry, $action_type, $resend_raa, $resend_commitment, false, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new())
- };
- ($self: ident, $err: expr, $entry: expr, $action_type: path, $resend_raa: expr, $resend_commitment: expr, $failed_forwards: expr, $failed_fails: expr) => {
- handle_monitor_update_res!($self, $err, $entry, $action_type, $resend_raa, $resend_commitment, false, $failed_forwards, $failed_fails, Vec::new())
- };
macro_rules! send_channel_ready {
($self: ident, $pending_msg_events: expr, $channel: expr, $channel_ready_msg: expr) => {{
$pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendChannelReady {
fn internal_funding_signed(&self, counterparty_node_id: &PublicKey, msg: &msgs::FundingSigned) -> Result<(), MsgHandleErrInternal> {
- let funding_tx = {
- let best_block = *self.best_block.read().unwrap();
- let per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.read().unwrap();
- let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.get(counterparty_node_id)
- .ok_or_else(|| {
- debug_assert!(false);
- MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close(format!("Can't find a peer matching the passed counterparty node_id {}", counterparty_node_id), msg.channel_id)
- })?;
+ let best_block = *self.best_block.read().unwrap();
+ let per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.read().unwrap();
+ let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.get(counterparty_node_id)
+ .ok_or_else(|| {
+ debug_assert!(false);
+ MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close(format!("Can't find a peer matching the passed counterparty node_id {}", counterparty_node_id), msg.channel_id)
+ })?;
- let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
- let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
- match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(msg.channel_id) {
- hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut chan) => {
- let (monitor, funding_tx, channel_ready) = match chan.get_mut().funding_signed(&msg, best_block, &self.signer_provider, &self.logger) {
- Ok(update) => update,
- Err(e) => try_chan_entry!(self, Err(e), chan),
- };
- match self.chain_monitor.watch_channel(chan.get().get_funding_txo().unwrap(), monitor) {
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::Completed => {},
- e => {
- let mut res = handle_monitor_update_res!(self, e, chan, RAACommitmentOrder::RevokeAndACKFirst, channel_ready.is_some(), OPTIONALLY_RESEND_FUNDING_LOCKED);
- if let Err(MsgHandleErrInternal { ref mut shutdown_finish, .. }) = res {
- // We weren't able to watch the channel to begin with, so no updates should be made on
- // it. Previously, full_stack_target found an (unreachable) panic when the
- // monitor update contained within `shutdown_finish` was applied.
- if let Some((ref mut shutdown_finish, _)) = shutdown_finish {
- shutdown_finish.0.take();
- }
- }
- return res
- },
- }
- if let Some(msg) = channel_ready {
- send_channel_ready!(self, peer_state.pending_msg_events, chan.get(), msg);
+ let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
+ match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(msg.channel_id) {
+ hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut chan) => {
+ let monitor = try_chan_entry!(self,
+ chan.get_mut().funding_signed(&msg, best_block, &self.signer_provider, &self.logger), chan);
+ let update_res = self.chain_monitor.watch_channel(chan.get().get_funding_txo().unwrap(), monitor);
+ let mut res = handle_new_monitor_update!(self, update_res, 0, peer_state_lock, peer_state, chan);
+ if let Err(MsgHandleErrInternal { ref mut shutdown_finish, .. }) = res {
+ // We weren't able to watch the channel to begin with, so no updates should be made on
+ // it. Previously, full_stack_target found an (unreachable) panic when the
+ // monitor update contained within `shutdown_finish` was applied.
+ if let Some((ref mut shutdown_finish, _)) = shutdown_finish {
+ shutdown_finish.0.take();
- funding_tx
- },
- hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close(format!("Got a message for a channel from the wrong node! No such channel for the passed counterparty_node_id {}", counterparty_node_id), msg.channel_id))
- }
- };
- log_info!(self.logger, "Broadcasting funding transaction with txid {}", funding_tx.txid());
- self.tx_broadcaster.broadcast_transaction(&funding_tx);
- Ok(())
+ }
+ res
+ },
+ hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close("Failed to find corresponding channel".to_owned(), msg.channel_id))
+ }
fn internal_channel_ready(&self, counterparty_node_id: &PublicKey, msg: &msgs::ChannelReady) -> Result<(), MsgHandleErrInternal> {